5월 1일 경제뉴스 & 경제지표
[DD 주간브리핑] 애플, 실적발표 앞두고 긴장…美 금리 추가 인상 가능성
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업계 최고 수준의 99.94% 보안 효율성 점수 받아
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5월10일 ‘클라우드 네이티브 보안 컨퍼런스 2023’ 개최
Intentional Diversity in the Data Center: 4 Steps to Maximize Performance
While there are multiple failovers that can prevent data center outages, the key to ensuring network resiliency is intentional diversity.
Learn the key steps that every data center should take.
Traditional vs. Hyperscale Data Centers: What's the Difference?
Do you want to be a hyperscaler? Here are the defining characteristics of hyperscale data centers.
AMD Net Income Could Plunge 83% On Weak Semiconductor Sales, Faltering Data Center Revenue
Google Cloud boss Kurian’s rocky path to profit: ‘We were not in a very good situation’
Manassas battlefield objects to building heights proposed for Digital Gateway data centers
QTS proposal is 'not consistent' with supervisors' plan for the area, county officials say
Data Center News Roundup: Dropbox Layoffs, Google Outage
In this week’s top data center news stories, layoffs at Amazon and Dropbox,
AT&T joins forces with BlackRock, and a flood at Google’s Paris data center.
Denv-R to deploy floating data center over summer, planning offshore model
Company working with smart buoy developer Geps Techno
Intel posts its largest ever quarterly loss, data center & AI division sees first loss in history
Company hopes that this is rock bottom
Compass Datacenters acquires 375 acres in Red Oak, Texas
Company more than doubles its landholdings in south Dallas
Singtel carves out infrastructure assets into single unit
Latest move in restructuring process
What China's Major Submarine Cable Means for U.S. Network Architects
Will there be competing Chinese and U.S. internets? With China’s new submarine internet cable,
we break down how network managers might manage those circumstances.’
Uptime on the line: Energy challenges in European DCs
IBM offers bare metal LinuxONE instances through the cloud
IBM LinuxONE Bare Metal Servers let enterprises get the hardware of a mainframe
for their own Linux environments via an off-premises IaaS model.
EdgeConnex is working on a new facility in Israel
EdgeConneX announced that the construction of its third facility in the country has started, located in Rishon, Israel.
Console Connect and Macquarie Data Centres add new PoP in Sydney
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