Weekly Data Center Industry News

Second Weeks of Oct

2023.10.12 | 조회 309 |

데이터 센터 및 IT업계 동향

매일 매일 데이터 센터 및 IT업계 동향 , 경제 뉴스들을 전달 드립니다.

Weekly Data Center Industry News -Second Weeks of Oct

1.Amazon bets big on Korea digital transition with new spending

Amazon Web Services sees an opportunity in S.Korea's usage rate, slower than the OECD country average

2.How to Retrofit Your Data Center for Efficiency and Sustainability

Here are the pros and cons of retrofitting your data center,

as well as a step-by-step guide to follow if you decide retrofitting is the best approach to bringing your data center up to speed.

3.Microsoft to build data center region in Aragon, Spain

As Madrid campus set to go live soon

4. Competing for a trophy – green data centers

5.atNorth Announces 30MW Data Center in Copenhagen for HPC, AI

6.Applied Digital beats first-quarter revenue estimates on data center demand


7.CloudHQ moves ahead with data center plans

8.IP Infusion and NTT Data address network disaggregation opportunities

Global systems integrator to transform the disaggregated market with IP Infusion open networking solution on white box hardware.

9.NTT Cyberjaya 6 data center launch supports digital transformation in Malaysia

10.Data Centers Are Booming

Will they be energy hogs or energy angels?

11.China Plans Big AI and Computing Buildup in Boon for Local Firms

The world's second-largest economy is ramping up its computing capacity and

will create 20 smart computing centers over the next two years.

12.Schneider Electric's blueprint for AI-optimized data centre design

13.China's national computing plan targets 300 exaflops of compute, Edge, and advanced storage

Government lays out aggressive plans for a national data center upgrade

14.Digital Twins and AI in the Network: Top 5 Network Modernization Considerations

Explore some ways that hyperscale and data center leaders are innovating their solutions to support new connectivity requirements.

15.Blockchain biz goes nuclear: Standard Power wants to use NuScale reactors for DCs

Please, no crypto boom, thank you

16.Salesforce IT injects generative AI to ease its massive datacenter migration

17.Tata Communications finishes acquisition of Kaleyra in UD$ 100 million deal

18.Five data centre companies with ambitious net zero pledges

19.Cloud infrastructure spending is growing

The cloud is integral to most business operations and spending remains unaffected by lower corporate revenue.

Still, let's make the most of your cloud dollars.

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