5th bread's navigation diary

2024.09.28 | 조회 183 |

Bread의 항해일기

Bread의 Logos hope 이야기

Acts 28:31"Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance."

Another starting point

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Is it getting hot these days? Please take care of your health.For the past three months, I joined the Logos Hope with the STEP program. However, feeling God's calling, the need for the ship, and a desire to meet Jesus more deeply led me to extend my stay for another year.By staying on this ship for another year, I hope to understand and discern God’s will.Currently, I am in the port of Takoradi, Ghana.I never imagined that I would come this far.I truly believe that everything is the work of God.This ship feels like a vessel of prayer.However, there have been many challenging moments during this time.At times, things didn't go my way, and I found myself feeling frustrated and angry when the path seemed closed.The journey of missions can be tough and filled with difficulties.Yet, I have been deeply moved by the miraculous ways God protects and guides us.I pray that the international missionaries of Logos Hope will be filled with the Lord’s power and the Holy Spirit. Working five days a week in another department here on Logos Hope can be challenging. However, seeing missionaries from all over the world serving with smiles has been a great lesson for me.I also pray that through our message, those who have not heard the Gospel in this land of Ghana can come to know the Lord’s love and experience restoration and salvation.

the ministry of a bakery

I have started a club called
I have started a club called "Bread Class," and currently, 35 members have joined. Every Saturday at 6 PM, we gather to bake bread and share testimonies and fellowshi
Last Wednesday, we all collaborated to make pizza together.
Last Wednesday, we all collaborated to make pizza together.
It's a picture of Korean friends sharing pizza.
It's a picture of Korean friends sharing pizza.
A new Korean friend made brownies and took this picture,
A new Korean friend made brownies and took this picture,

There’s a place on the ship called the i-Cafe, where they sell bread and drinks, and I got to be a model there! :)

I made a cake on my friend's birthday
I made a cake on my friend's birthday

As a baker at the Logos Hope bakery, I make bread for the people on the ship, and there are many events on board. For these events, I am responsible for preparing desserts and cakes.Every morning while making these breads, I reflect a lot. I feel that just like the flour used in the bread cannot stand on its own, we as humans are weak and dependent beings. This makes me realize the importance of relying on others. The yeast, on the other hand, is strong and helps us rise, much like Jesus does, overflowing and supporting us. Salt and water remind me of the Holy Spirit.It seems that there are always amazing miracles guiding us. The finished bread feels like God; He has created us in His image.During my four months of ministry here, I have experienced many challenging yet joyful moments. By making bread and always smiling, I believe that the missionaries on the ship find strength in this bread to participate in the ministry, and it’s been a great blessing to see everyone happy.Recently, I started a baking class on Logos Hope, and many people participated. Since baking and eating bread is part of their culture, the enthusiasm from my friends has been remarkable. As I expand this club, I want to take my friends outside to share the skills of bread-making with others.I ask for your prayers. I have plans to sail to the Caribbean around November, where I want to share the seeds of the Gospel through bread with the crew. I hope to make bread on the spot while sharing the story of Jesus. I want to do a live bread show on stage to share His story, so I ask for your continued prayers.

the beginning of Bread

Pictures of friends who will stay together for a year
Pictures of friends who will stay together for a year




Playing games with new friends
Playing games with new friends
Prayer time and sharing of evidence while training
Prayer time and sharing of evidence while training
Lunch party after all the training
Lunch party after all the training

I initially served in the STEP program, but feeling the need for Logos Hope and hearing God's calling, I decided to stay here for a year. I had many worries about not having supporters, but God always helps me overcome my fears. Making this decision has been one I do not regret.

New friends have come on board from over 100 different countries.

Meeting these friends has provided so many opportunities for learning. At just 18 years old, deciding to come here for two years to serve God is a significant challenge for them. I hope to spend my year here in close fellowship with God.

One of the happiest aspects of being with these friends is that we can all joyfully sing praises to God together. Please pray for me as I continue to grow and take steps forward while receiving training on the ship.

Bread의 out reach

Outreach Ministry
Outreach Ministry
Conversations with Visitors at Logos Hope
Conversations with Visitors at Logos Hope
Outreach Ministry
Outreach Ministry

During this ministry, I encountered many challenging moments. God continually presented me with various challenges. In the past, I participated as a team member, sharing testimonies and stories about Jesus. However, this time, as I became the team leader, I faced numerous difficulties. As the team leader, my responsibilities included contacting the church, meeting with team members, and assigning roles to guide the teams. I prayed through many fears, and gradually, my heart found some peace. After this ministry experience, I felt that God had prepared me for these challenges. Initially, I questioned God and expressed my fear, but once the ministry concluded, I found myself filled with gratitude.

Working with young children also brought its own set of challenges. I had thought that the African church would have all the necessary equipment, but there was nothing available. It felt like everything I had prepared had fallen apart. So, I had to start from scratch. I entrusted everything to God and began dancing, and it was joyful to see the children gradually join in. When I shared cookies with the kids and one child thanked me, I felt immense happiness. This ministry provided me with an opportunity to reflect on how to share the Gospel with children as a missionary.

Due to my bakery commitments, I had limited opportunities to engage in church ministry. However, with another baker joining the team, I now have more chances to participate in various ministries. I look forward to exploring these new opportunities in the future.

Meeting of Korean Churches in Ghana

After hearing about a Korean church in Ghana, I had the opportunity to visit it with some Koreans from Logos Hope. When I arrived at the church, I felt an overwhelming sense of grace. It was inspiring to see everyone in Ghana responding to God's calling and wanting to worship Him while spreading the Gospel.The church felt just like a Korean church, with familiar Korean hymns being sung and a pastor leading the service. I was grateful to witness the blessings shared among the Koreans from Logos Hope. Seeing everyone worship so passionately made me long for the Korean language even more. After the service, we enjoyed tteokbokki, and it was truly satisfying. Sharing the meal together was a moment filled with gratitude.Being among these people made me deeply realize that even in this small place, I could plant seeds of the Gospel.

a gathering of Korean people

This past Chuseok, there was no celebration on Logos Hope. Instead, the Koreans came together to cook and enjoy spicy pork (jeYukbokkeum) and seaweed soup (miyeokguk). It’s not often that we can gather like this while working in different departments, so it was wonderful to share stories about our experiences in ministry. We discussed the challenges some departments faced and the joyful moments others had.After the meal, we shared how we spend time with God and how we are growing in our faith, which was a blessing. Looking ahead, as we move to the next port with many families joining us, we plan to share meals with single missionaries and create opportunities for mentorship and support. It feels like having a place to lean on, much like with parents.Gathering together as Korean missionaries, we find comfort in being able to rely on one another. I feel truly blessed by the love and grace that each person brings to our community on Logos Hope.

the department of bread

The Galley team on a voyage
The Galley team on a voyage
Team time
Team time
Training with friends
Training with friends
Testimony time with the galley team
Testimony time with the galley team

During my time serving on Logos Hope, I have deeply felt God's love. In my department, I’ve seen friends from various nationalities joyfully washing dishes and cleaning without showing irritation or anger. Their positive attitude has been inspiring. Observing everyone in ministry has taught me so much.Especially when I shared my testimony and they explained why they were here, I realized how much I still have to learn. I've learned about patience, humility, love, and respect. It has been wonderful to feel the sense of family we have together. I am excited to see how God will continue to lead us in the future.

가나 타코라디에서 본 석양
가나 타코라디에서 본 석양

the conclusion of a navigation diary.

Before writing this, I was filled with worries and often pondered what my highlights would be here in Ghana. However, God reminded me of those precious moments and poured out His grace.

Meeting friends from 60 different countries and sharing the stories of Jesus along with their cultures and lives has been incredibly meaningful to me.

As we continue training together, I look forward to realizing our mission and spreading the message of Jesus to those who don’t know Him.

With the work I’ve been given, I will continually share the blessings I’ve received from Jesus through bread and beyond.

pray point


  1. Please pray that I can encounter God more deeply.
  2. I pray for the establishment of financial and prayer partners.
  3. Please pray that I can become more proficient in English.
  4. Pray that I can love everyone with less prejudice.

Thank you for participating in this ministry with faith. If anyone is willing to support financially, please check the following information.

If you would like to be a part of this ministry financially, please find me on Paypal 


and send your support there. Thank you!


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Bread의 Logos hope 이야기

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