#0, 취향의 미분화 시대

English Ver.

2021.08.16 | 조회 454 |


2주에 한 번 당신의 취향에 참견합니다. 단, 웹툰/웹소설에 한해서 말이에요. :D

<구독자가 반가운 기획자>
<구독자가 반가운 기획자>

Hello, 구독자!
I am Moo-sung Kim, a writer of ‘Entertainment Newsletter’.

Do you know why ‘Entertainment Newsletter’ is something you will look forward to every day?

It is because we create our customized newsletters based on the idea of Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle.  

(For more information, please watch the video)

<Which do you prefer?><br>
<Which do you prefer?>


Obsessed with charts, we don’t know what we truly like. 


1. ‘We share our tastes.’

2. ‘We recommend other’s tastes.’

3. ‘We discover your taste.’

4. Ultimately, ‘We CREATE tastes.’



We create our own taste from yours.


1. ‘We PERSONALLY share our tastes’

2. ‘We DIVERSELY suggest people’s tastes’

3. ‘We PRIVATELY discover your taste’

4. ‘We OBJECTIVELY create tastes’

5. And we can make these work with your valuable feedback.

Please click ‘My taste’ if you like the taste we shared
‘Not my taste’ if you didn’t.



We don’t want to waste your time exploring all the webcomics/fiction that exists in the world.


1. Webcomics

2. Web fiction

3. Ratings per genre

🖼 'Webcomics' 1. Genre 2. Animation 3. Storyline 4. Other (no restriction)
📑 'Web fiction' 1. Genre 2. Author 3. Storyline 4. Other (no restriction)


다가올 뉴스레터가 궁금하신가요?

지금 구독해서 새로운 레터를 받아보세요


이번 뉴스레터 어떠셨나요?

취미레터 님에게 ☕️ 커피와 ✉️ 쪽지를 보내보세요!


의견을 남겨주세요

의견이 있으신가요? 제일 먼저 댓글을 달아보세요 !

© 2024 취미레터

2주에 한 번 당신의 취향에 참견합니다. 단, 웹툰/웹소설에 한해서 말이에요. :D

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