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#7: 중세 시대 기사들의 패션

중세 기사 복식의 현대적 재해석

2024.09.11 | 조회 263 |
morae, 큐티코@cuticogent
Trendium.ai의 프로필 이미지


AI 트렌드를 월,수,금 오전 10시에 발송해드려요! 무료 프롬프트는 덤!🍀

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오늘은 생성형AI로 재현한 중세 시대의 아이콘 '기사 패션'에 대한 소식을 다룹니다.

by 🧡Morae @morae_ai


중세의 아이콘 기사를 아시나요?

여러분은 기사(knight)에 대해 어디까지 알고 계신가요~? 기사들은 중세 시대의 완전 핫한 아이콘이이라고 할 수 있어요! 🔥👑

중세가 언제냐구요? 서로마가 무너진 5세기 후반부터 르네상스 전까지예요. 거의 천 년이나 됐어요, 엄청 길죠? 그때는 종교가 엄청 중요해서 옷도 몸을 쏙 감추는 스타일이 대세였대요. 색이랑 무늬도 다 기독교 영향 받았다고 해요. 멋지죠? 

그 중에서도 기사들은 말 타고 다니는 멋진 전사들이었거든요! 🐎⚔️ 화약이랑 총이 나오기 전까지 종교의 든든한 지원 받으면서 완전 멋지게 활약했대요. 근데 전쟁 무기들이 점점 발달하면서 기사들은 그 세력이 점차 약해졌고, 십자군 전쟁 이후 새로운 항로 찾는 대항해시대의 마중물 역할을 마지막으로 수행하며 역사 속으로 사라져 버리고 말았어요. 아쉽죠? 😢

재밌는 건 지금도 기사 문화의 흔적이 여기저기 남아 있다는 거예요! 예를 들어 '토너먼트'라는 말은 원래 기사들이 실력 겨루던 것을 부르는 말이었어요. 지금은 여러분들이 아는 것처럼 스포츠에서 많이 쓰죠. '에스콰이어'는 기사를 보조하거나 견습 기사를 부르는 명칭이었는데, 지금은 남자 패션 잡지 이름으로 변신했대요. 신기하죠? 👀

'기사도 정신'이라는 말도 많이 쓰이는데요. 현재 우리의 도덕이랑 윤리에도 많은 영향 줬어요. 명예, 충성, 용기, 예의 같은 거 말이에요. 요즘도 중요하잖아요? 그리고 기사들의 로맨스랑 모험 이야기가 지금의 판타지 소설이나 영화에 영향을 많이 미쳤대요.

'반지의 제왕'이나 '왕좌의 게임' 같은 판타지 영화 보셨죠? 다 거기서 영감 받은 거래요, 대단하죠? 📚🎬


기사 패션의 주요 키워드

자, 이제 AI로 기사의 패션을 현대풍으로 바꾼 그림 한번 볼까요? 기사들은 전쟁에서 몸을 보호하는 철갑옷과 투구를 입고 망토를 주로 걸쳤대요. 그래서 갑옷 안에 튜닉이라는 옷을 덧대어 입었답니다.


Men's Fashion Pictorial Inspired by Knight of the Crusades, Modern Reinterpretation, High Fashion, Hyperrealism, Exaggerated Decorations design, realistic, in the style of balenciaga, single color backdrop, UHD 32K, high detail, shot wide view, fisheye lens, photograph of a man posing, he is wearing some chunky sneakers, techwear clothing, rococo style, vivid and rich color, spring flower pattern fabric
Men's Fashion Pictorial Inspired by Knight of the Crusades, Modern Reinterpretation, High Fashion, Hyperrealism, Exaggerated Decorations design, realistic, in the style of balenciaga, single color backdrop, UHD 32K, high detail, shot wide view, fisheye lens, photograph of a man posing, he is wearing some chunky sneakers, techwear clothing, rococo style, vivid and rich color, spring flower pattern fabric


Men's Fashion Pictorial Inspired by Knight of the Crusades, Modern Reinterpretation, High Fashion, Hyperrealism, Exaggerated Decorations design, realistic, in the style of balenciaga, single color backdrop, UHD 32K, high detail, shot wide view, fisheye lens, photograph of a man posing, he is wearing some chunky sneakers, techwear clothing, rococo style, vivid and rich color, spring flower pattern fabric, pink and gold
Men's Fashion Pictorial Inspired by Knight of the Crusades, Modern Reinterpretation, High Fashion, Hyperrealism, Exaggerated Decorations design, realistic, in the style of balenciaga, single color backdrop, UHD 32K, high detail, shot wide view, fisheye lens, photograph of a man posing, he is wearing some chunky sneakers, techwear clothing, rococo style, vivid and rich color, spring flower pattern fabric, pink and gold


A modern men's fashion design inspired by medieval knight's armor and clothing: - Structured metallic gray blazer with quilted panels resembling plate armor - Layered look with a long, dark navy blue dress shirt underneath the blazer - Slim-fit charcoal gray trousers with subtle metallic accents on the side seams - Wide brown leather belt with an oversized silver buckle featuring an engraved design - Ankle-high brown leather boots with metallic silver details on the heel and toe - Single-shoulder cape attachment in deep burgundy, fastened with a silver chain - Embroidered family crest or coat of arms on the left chest of the blazer - Dark gray leather driving gloves with metallic studs on the knuckles Accessories: - Silver chain necklace with a pendant shaped like a miniature shield - Leather cuff bracelet with medieval-inspired metal embellishments Style: Luxurious contemporary menswear with a medieval twist Lighting: Moody studio lighting with dramatic shadows to highlight the outfit's textures Background: Dark stone wall backdrop, suggesting a modern interpretation of a castle interior Additional details: - Model: Male, mid to late 20s, with a strong, chiseled jawline - Pose: Confident stance, one hand in pocket, slightly turned to showcase the cape - Hair: Short, textured hairstyle with a slight quiff - Facial hair: Well-groomed stubble - Make-up: Natural, enhancing the model's features without being noticeable
A modern men's fashion design inspired by medieval knight's armor and clothing: - Structured metallic gray blazer with quilted panels resembling plate armor - Layered look with a long, dark navy blue dress shirt underneath the blazer - Slim-fit charcoal gray trousers with subtle metallic accents on the side seams - Wide brown leather belt with an oversized silver buckle featuring an engraved design - Ankle-high brown leather boots with metallic silver details on the heel and toe - Single-shoulder cape attachment in deep burgundy, fastened with a silver chain - Embroidered family crest or coat of arms on the left chest of the blazer - Dark gray leather driving gloves with metallic studs on the knuckles Accessories: - Silver chain necklace with a pendant shaped like a miniature shield - Leather cuff bracelet with medieval-inspired metal embellishments Style: Luxurious contemporary menswear with a medieval twist Lighting: Moody studio lighting with dramatic shadows to highlight the outfit's textures Background: Dark stone wall backdrop, suggesting a modern interpretation of a castle interior Additional details: - Model: Male, mid to late 20s, with a strong, chiseled jawline - Pose: Confident stance, one hand in pocket, slightly turned to showcase the cape - Hair: Short, textured hairstyle with a slight quiff - Facial hair: Well-groomed stubble - Make-up: Natural, enhancing the model's features without being noticeable


Modern Men's Sneaker Fashion Design Inspired by Medieval Knight's Armor and Clothes, silver, gold, high quality
Modern Men's Sneaker Fashion Design Inspired by Medieval Knight's Armor and Clothes, silver, gold, high quality



+ 보너스

미드저니 스타일 레퍼런스를 활용해서 중세 시대의 기사 패션을 입은 남자를 일러스트로 생성해 보았어요. 오늘의 Midjourney —sref 480206를 참고하세요! 🙌

A modern men's fashion design inspired by medieval knight's armor and clothing, Structured metallic gray blazer with quilted panels resembling plate armor, Male, mid to late 20s, with a strong, chiseled jawline - Pose: Confident stance, one hand in pocket, slightly turned to showcase the cape --sref 480206
A modern men's fashion design inspired by medieval knight's armor and clothing, Structured metallic gray blazer with quilted panels resembling plate armor, Male, mid to late 20s, with a strong, chiseled jawline - Pose: Confident stance, one hand in pocket, slightly turned to showcase the cape --sref 480206



오늘의 Midjourney —sref 480206

by 🧡Morae @marae_ai

cat --sref 480206
cat --sref 480206

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