#7 The Secret Letter of Unjae (23.06)

1. Record of 23.06 2. Garden community 3. and so on

2023.06.30 | 조회 222 |


all about Unjae


  1. Please keep it a secret that my newsletter exists. Please.
  2. You can check the last newsletter not only by email but also by the link I gave you.
  3. If you have anything you want to say to me, feel free to tell me. Feedback is always welcome.
  4. I want to annotate it, but I use parentheses because I don't want to see it because it's long.
  5. You can also check the newsletter through the link I gave you.



Metro Boomin - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Soundtrack From & Inspired by the Motion Picture)
Metro Boomin - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Soundtrack From & Inspired by the Motion Picture)

👀 Link

 One of the movies I'm really looking forward to this year is "Spider-Man Across the Universe." It will be released in Korea on June 21st, so you must have already watched the movie by the time this newsletter is published! I envy you,, Actually, I didn't expect much from the first episode. At that time, Spider-Man thought that live-action was the national rule, not animation, but I loved the feeling that Comics' unique painting style was alive and moving. I've liked Spider-Man the most among heroes since a long time ago, and I liked the title of our kind neighbor, but the thing that made my heart beat the most was, "Of course it's a sacrifice for us." Because a person with strong power is responsible for it.

 There's a story that comes to mind naturally when you talk about this. In Dostoevsky's sin and punishment, Raskolinikov meets and talks with Porfiri. Porfiri brings up the story of the "criminal theory" written by raskolinikov. 

"There is some kind of human being who has the absolute right to commit a crime, which implies that there is no such thing as a law for such a person... The point of the matter is, according to his paper, humans are classified as ordinary criminals and outstanding non-criminals. The criminal has no right to obey and break the law. However, it is argued that non-offenders are allowed to commit crimes and have the right to violate the law. Don't you think so?" 

 There's a response from Raskolinikov to this, but as a result he's a contradictory figure, so I'm not going to include his answer. 

 But I also had this thought. What if Raskolinikov was not a contradictory character but a real non-criminal? Let's go back to Spider-Man. Sacrifice is a given for Spider-Man. It was also incomplete at first, but it lost someone, awakened, and reborn as a non-criminal. He also has a villain who corresponds to Archie Enemy. 

 If these additional conditions are added, wouldn't it be fair to say that the non-criminal deserves to fill the loophole of the law himself?



untitled, 2022
untitled, 2022

 I have a question while taking a picture. A doctor or lawyer may claim a job only if he or she has passed a certain examination. But that's not the case with photographs. Most people use DSLR or mirrorless cameras instead of cell phone cameras and say they are photographers. (These days, there are some people who take pictures with their phone cameras and call them photographers, but I'll skip this part.) 

 So what are the standards of photographers? Some argue that lighting should be available. It's individual freedom for individuals to introduce themselves as photographers, but we're not really that free because we're in society. I also think of myself as a photographer, but the standards are very vague, and I think it's hard to cut them off.




  1. Record of 23.06 (government support business, Picasso and 20th Century masters, new jobs)
  2. Garden Commu;nity ()
  3. and so on



1. Record of 23.06 (government support business, Picasso and 20th Century masters, new jobs)


1-1. government support business

 I went all the way to Pangyo and gave a presentation, but I failed in the end... It's too bad. The second round is 50:50, so if you worked a little harder,, Still, when I went to the presentation room, I predicted that it would be very difficult because other competitors except me were in their 30s and 40s. But the presentation wasn't bad, so I had a little hope, but it was unfortunate. I still have two support projects left, so I'll wait a little bit.. I'm not expecting much.

*As of the 25th, there is one more result left, and I will pass the first one on the 27th and go to the second interview.

*Finally accepted on a 30-day basis. Yay!



1-2. Picasso and 20th Century masters

 It was a great exhibition where you could see the works of 20th century masters such as Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, Warhol, and Liechtenstein at once. It was a satisfying exhibition because there were plenty of works, and I could see works that I had not seen in previous exhibitions (for the same artist). 

 However, smartphone shooting is possible, but I don't know why DSLR and mirrorless shooting are prohibited. I think retaking and reprocessing works is also a good opportunity to expand the horizon of art.  If it's the reason why people don't come to the exhibition because they can easily access the works of the exhibition on the Internet, I'll understand, but if so, I shouldn't even take pictures of my smartphone, but I don't understand it.

 Related posts (This is a blog about photos that I enjoy watching). I'm deeply involved in taking pictures with a digital camera at the exhibition.)



1-3. new jobs

 I got to work at a cafe. Originally, I was going to work at a cafe in Seoul even if it was far away, but I applied because there was a cafe near my house that gave preferential treatment to those who could use hand drip, but I got to work together. 

 There were a few more things I liked. The fact that the roasting machine of the main store was a Gisen (a roaster used by Sasha Sestick, the 2015 world barista champion), and that the espresso machine was a moai filled my lack of equipment. It's hard to make roasting or espresso at home,, 

 And the people I work with are good friends. The schedule is quite free and I like it because everyone is kind.


2. Garden Community ()

 To be honest, there is no big change this month, so there is nothing to deal with. I thought about the significance of non-literary newsletters that I published constantly, and as a result, I thought it would be the right direction to produce motion graphics like Kurgeszakt, and non-literary newsletters for those who are more interested in watching them. And it doesn't seem very effective to run the current meeting.

 At first, I tried to revitalize the garden community by making these people interested in me through gatherings, but I think it should be the role. I'm going to put the meeting away for a while.

*As I join the support project, I'm going to move the direction of the garden community's business to a video and start implementing it. (see last month's newsletter)


3. 기타

 I'm just going to put this and that into pieces and write it down on the etc.


3-1. 타이타닉 관광 잠수정과 그리스 난민선으로 본 생명의 가치

Poster with
Poster with "praying for Titan" written on it. It also depicts the faces of five passengers aboard the missing Titan

 To sum up the article, the disappearance of hundreds of refugees in the middle of the sea was buried, and the Titanic submersible with only five people was paying attention to the world. 

 I was also able to access the contents easily because I covered Titanic submersibles in all kinds of media. But we didn't know about the deaths of hundreds of refugees. The responsibility is not passed on to the general public. In this case, the information must be selectively processed and the exported media must be judged well and wrongly. 

 So the idea is, "Is it right that some news company A deals with the Titanic submersible and doesn't deal with the refugee case?" 

*I wanted to deal with it more, but I don't think I can talk more this month because I'm starting a new job and going to interviews one way or another, but I promise I'll continue to deal with it next month and send you a longer article.






Thank you for always checking out the long post, and I had a great time today :D


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