
vol.80 Will the MeToo Movement, 56 Years Later, Be Recognized as Self-Defense?

2024.12.28 | 조회 112 |
뉴스 헐리버리의 프로필 이미지

뉴스 헐리버리

‘헐리버리’에 오신 걸 환영합니다. 여성뉴스 큐레이션 뉴스 헐리버리입니다.

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‘HERLIVERY’ is a coined word that combines ‘her’ and ‘delivery’. NEWS HERLIVERY is a curation of women’s news that diagnoses our present through the images of women in real life that we see in articles every day. NEWS HERLIVERY is published three times a month, on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month (the last day in February). On the 10th, PEOPLE EDITION covers news related to notable female figures of the month, and on the 20th, women’s human rights and TOPIC EDITION, which covers safety-related incident news, will be published on the 30th, and REPORT EDITION, a collection of women-related articles with depth and perspective, will be published. NEWS HERLIVERY's women's news is published in English translation as TOPIC EDITION, a collection of women's agenda articles, to share with readers around the world. The translation was done with the help of Google, so please understand that there may be partial errors. The articles linked in the text are written in Korean, so if you want to read the full text, we recommend using a translator. - Editor’s note


Hello. The second NEWS HERLIVERY in December is TOPIC EDITION. TOPIC EDITION is a collection of articles related to women's issues. This issue begins with articles that examine the position of women in related articles after the December 3 civil war. There is testimony that the arrest team to be deployed to the Central Election Commission ahead of the December 3 civil war included female soldiers from the HID and special forces. There is controversy over the disparaging remarks made by a member of the North Chungcheong Province branch of the People's Power Party regarding Rep. Kim Ye-ji, who voted in favor of the impeachment motion. Park Seon-young, chairwoman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Past Affairs, was removed from the National Assembly's Public Administration and Security Committee after 20 minutes of attending a plenary session. The retrial request for Ms. Choi Mal-ja, who was sentenced to prison for serious injury for biting the tongue of a man who tried to sexually assault her 60 years ago, has been accepted. The possibility has opened up that Ms. Choi's resistance could be recognized as self-defense. Dongduk Women's University, which is embroiled in controversy over the issue of engineering conversion, has decided to form a 'Committee for Public Discussion on Engineering Conversion' on the condition that it does not hold a protest. Sungshin Women's University has identified a student who staged a so-called 'lacquer protest' to protest the admission of a foreign male student to the Department of International Studies and has begun an investigation. The police have also received a complaint and begun an investigation. Professor A, who was identified as a perpetrator of sexual harassment at Seoul Women's University, has resigned. Professor A left the school without withdrawing his lawsuit against the students, leaving the university headquarters' responsibility for the lawsuit unclear. The human rights group 'Padong', which led the protest against the engineering conversion at Gwangju Women's University, has expressed its intention to actively stand in solidarity with other women's universities, including Dongduk Women's University, in the future. The Korean Women's Association United was fined by the court for holding a press conference in front of the Nexon Korea building to condemn 'claw hands'. The National Human Rights Commission of Korea ruled that excluding female firefighters from wildfire suppression sites constitutes gender discrimination. The working conditions of Filipino workers who started working as foreign housekeepers in September of this year have been revealed. In addition to poor working conditions, they were also asked to do work that went beyond the scope of their job guidelines. Streamer Gwajuk Seyeon filed a defamation lawsuit against the operator of the YouTube channel PPKKa and requested personal information from Google headquarters. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that Google must provide the information necessary for the lawsuit, such as name, date of birth, and address, excluding bank account numbers. The Bank of Korea warned that the potential growth rate, which indicates the sustainability of the Korean economy, will fall to the 1% range starting next year. It saw the need for innovations such as increasing women's economic participation through work-life balance and easing concentration in the metropolitan area to ensure an appropriate labor supply in the local labor market. This is all the news prepared by NEWS HERLIVERY in this issue. We will greet you again in the next issue with in-depth articles with depth and perspective. Thank you.

- Best Wishes, Editor Oh Jin-dal-rae

첨부 이미지

Female soldiers from HID and special forces also arrested… Seems to be a dedicated team for female employees of the National Election Commission

There is testimony that the ‘Noh Sang-won Private Organization’, which planned the arrest and investigation of politicians and others ahead of the December 3rd civil war, included specially trained female agents in the arrest team to be deployed to the Central Election Management Committee. It seems that a separate dedicated team was formed to arrest, subdue, and arrest female employees in order to avoid controversies over physical contact that could arise during the arrest process after finding out the personal information of the Election Management Committee employees to be arrested in advance.

According to several military officials familiar with the situation at the Defense Intelligence Command (DIC) on the 23rd, it seems that the ‘Investigation Team 2’, a private organization formed by former DIC Commander Noh Sang-won centered around DIC personnel ahead of martial law, included at least three female agents. All of the female agents that the Hankyoreh has identified so far are active-duty soldiers, including one lieutenant colonel and two non-commissioned officers. The selection criteria appear to have been outstanding physical activity ability. The person who reported this fact to Hankyoreh said, “The female agents who entered the arrest team are very strong in combat, having learned various physical restraint techniques such as special martial arts while working in units under the Army Special Warfare Command (Special Forces) or the Special Mission Unit (HID) of the Intelligence Service that is deployed for North Korean operations.”

The fact that the 2nd Investigation Division dispatched female agents to the arrest team seems to be closely related to the fact that among the National Election Commission employees who were taken into custody were women. The police also form a separate team of female police officers to deal with female participants in rallies and protests. This means that the Intelligence Service meticulously prepared in advance before sending the arrest agents to the National Election Commission.

According to Hankyoreh’s confirmation, there are 10 female employees at the level of section chief or higher working at the National Election Commission. This includes the person in charge of managing the computer server that the Intelligence Service agents tried to take out of the National Election Commission computer room on the night of the 3rd. Earlier, Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Byung-joo claimed, “The first mission of intelligence agents is to kidnap the director of the National Election Commission and key staff.”

(Lee Ju-bin·Kim Chae-woon·Shin Hyoung-chul·Kwon Hyuk-chul, Hankyoreh, 24.12.23)

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People Power Party Chungbuk Provincial Party Leader Controversy Over Derogatory Comments on Visually Impaired Assemblywoman Kim Ye-ji by Calling Her “Humanity Disordered”

A key member of the Chungbuk Provincial Party of the People Power Party (Chairman Seo Seung-woo) has posted a post on his SNS that is causing controversy by making a ‘disparaging remark about the disabled.’

On the night of the 17th, member A posted on his Facebook page with an article related to the People Power Party’s Kim Ye-ji (proportional representation) and the content, ‘I was considerate, but it turned out to be a betrayal… There is no answer for a disability in humanity.’

The problem is that Assemblywoman Kim is a disabled woman with visual impairment.

The fact that a local member of the party posted a disparaging remark despite knowing that she had a disability has become known, causing public outrage in the local community.

Assemblywoman Kim is an artist who overcame the adversity of her disability to become a successful pianist and received the spotlight of the century.

However, she has recently expressed her convictions and joined the impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yeol, and is facing pressure from within the party to resign.

An official from the North Chungcheong Province Solidarity for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities said, “It is not enough to criticize someone for having different beliefs than you, but to say that a disabled member of the National Assembly has a ‘human disability’ is not worthy of being a member of the political party.”

(Park Seung-ryong, Dongyang Ilbo, 24.12.18)

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“Appointed immediately after the civil war… Not qualified” Park Seon-yeong immediately kicked out of the National Assembly’s Public Administration and Security Committee

“I will invoke the right to maintain order under Article 49 of the National Assembly Act. The National Assembly Security Service requests that Chairperson Park Seon-young be removed from the conference room.”

Chairperson Park Seon-young of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was removed from the plenary session of the National Assembly’s Public Administration and Security Committee after 20 minutes. Chairperson Shin Jeong-hoon of the Public Administration and Security Committee ordered the removal following the suggestions of opposition party members who raised issues with the procedural defects of the appointment of a “suspect of rebellion” immediately after the December 3 rebellion and the behavior of Chairperson Park, including Facebook posts she wrote during the process.

As soon as the Public Administration and Security Committee began, Yoon Geon-young of the Democratic Party of Korea requested a statement on the proceedings and said, “Three days after the rebellion that trampled the democracy of the Republic of Korea in an instant, President Yoon Seok-yeol appointed the chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee. Justice Jeong Hyeong-sik, a relative of Park Sun-young, is suspected of being an insurance policy for impeachment as the presiding judge of the impeachment trial,” and requested, “The appointment of a problematic person in an abnormal situation is null and void. Instead of keeping Chairwoman Park Sun-young in the current questioning session, order her to leave.” On the 6th, President Yoon appointed Park Sun-young, then the president of Mulmangcho, as the chairwoman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (ministerial level). Rep. Jeong Chun-saeng of the Democratic Party of Korea and Rep. Yong Hye-in of the Basic Income Party also agreed, saying, “Instead of leaving, she should step down as chairwoman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We must seek every means to have her step down from her inappropriate position.” In response, Reps. Cho Eun-hee, Kim Jong-yang, and Lee Dal-hee of the People Power Party defended Chairwoman Park, saying, “I raised suspicions about her in-laws, but these days, even her children don’t do what they want,” and “I don’t know if she’s the right person for the job, but legally, there’s no problem.”

(Ko Kyoung-tae, Hankyoreh, 24.12.23)

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'Sexual assault man's tongue bitten and sentenced to prison'... Retrial opens after 60 years

The Supreme Court has opened the way for a retrial of the case of Choi Mal-ja (78), who was sentenced to prison for serious injury after biting the tongue of a man who attempted to sexually assault her 60 years ago.

According to the legal community on the 20th, the Supreme Court's 2nd Division (Chief Justice Oh Kyung-mi) overturned the original decision that dismissed Choi's request for a retrial on the 18th and sent the case back to the Busan High Court.

The Supreme Court ruled that the grounds for the retrial that Choi claimed during the investigation at the time, such as illegal detention, were credible and that the court should examine them.

The Supreme Court stated, "There is sufficient reason to believe that Choi was illegally arrested and detained during the period from early July 1964, when she was first summoned by the prosecution, to September 1, 1964, when an arrest warrant was apparently issued and executed."

This is a case where the prosecutor at the time "constitutes an arrest and detention crime due to abuse of power, but a guilty verdict cannot be obtained due to the completion of the statute of limitations," and "the original trial should have conducted a fact-finding investigation to determine whether there is sufficient and convincing counter evidence or circumstances that undermine the credibility of Mr. Choi's statement," and ordered a second trial.

Accordingly, after the remand, it seems that the retrial request will be accepted unless new circumstances that make it seem that Mr. Choi's statement is different from the facts are revealed in the second trial.

Whether Mr. Choi will be found guilty of serious bodily harm as in the ruling 60 years ago or whether he will be found not guilty due to self-defense will likely be debated again in the main trial if the retrial request is accepted and the actual retrial proceeds.

(Hwang Yun-ki, Yonhap News, 24.12.20)

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Dongduk Women's University, which has set a condition of 'no protests', establishes a 'Committee for Public Discussion on Engineering Conversion'

Dongduk Women's University, which is embroiled in controversy over the issue of coeducational conversion, has decided to form a 'Committee for Public Discussion on Engineering Conversion'.

On the afternoon of the 19th, Dongduk Women's University held the 5th meeting with the students and the Dean's Office.

According to the interview results released by the Student Council, the school proposed to promote the Committee for Public Discussion on Engineering Conversion, considering the student opinion collection method requested by the Student Council.

The committee will consist of professors, alumni, students (student representatives are required), and staff, and the school intends to hold detailed discussions with each constituent unit and the next Student Council.

In addition, it was stated that in order to sufficiently collect opinions, the committee will be held for approximately 6 months starting in March 2025, and that the process of forming the Committee for Public Discussion on Engineering Conversion, including its members and discussion process, will be made public.

Meanwhile, the Dongduk Women's University dean sent a request for cooperation to the student council before the 5th interview, stating, "If a student protest is taking place in front of or around the interview location, the interview cannot proceed," and it is known that no student protest took place on the day of the interview.

Earlier, Dongduk Women's University canceled the interview scheduled for the 5th interview on the 9th, citing the student's silent protest as the reason.

(Shin Mi-jeong, Women News, 24.12.20)

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Controversy over the Identification of Students Who Painted Lacquer at Sungshin Women's University… Police Investigation Involves School Investigation

Sungshin Women's University has launched an investigation into a student who staged a so-called 'lacquer protest' to protest the admission of a foreign male student to the International Studies Department. The police have also received a complaint and begun an investigation, and students are strongly protesting.

According to a comprehensive report by <The Fact> on the 19th, the Sungshin Women's University Student Activities Guidance Committee announced on the school portal site on the 12th, "We have reached the conclusion that an internal investigation is necessary to prevent the recurrence of the students' acts of damaging school facilities since November 12th," and "We ask that the students involved actively cooperate with the school's investigation."

The Student Activities Guidance Committee then notified the student council and the students who had lacquered various places on campus of the investigation. It was reported that the notice only included the following: "Attendance cannot be forced, and there will be no disadvantages for non-attendance," and "You may bring your own attorney at your discretion when attending the investigation," and did not provide a specific explanation of the reason for the investigation, but only requested attendance.

The student council reportedly attended the Student Affairs Committee meeting on the 16th and was investigated. It has been reported that the Central Steering Committee, a student decision-making body, was held to discuss countermeasures. The Central Steering Committee is comprised of the Student Council President and student representatives from colleges and club associations.

Students are protesting, saying that the Student Activities Guidance Committee's investigation is intended to discipline and punish students. On the Sungshin Women's University online community, posts were posted expressing discontent, such as, "The school has identified students and knows their identities," "They have identified a few people, so they are telling us to quietly submit to the investigation," and "It seems like they are trying to scare us into coming out. It's disgusting."

(Lee Yun-kyung·Lee Da-bin, The Fact, 24.12.19)

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The question posed by Seoul Women's University: Is it over if a sexual assault professor resigns?

Seoul Women's University accepted the resignation of Professor A, who was accused of sexual harassment, on the 20th of last month. The problem is that Professor A has not withdrawn his defamation lawsuit against the students who put up posters to make the issue public. The sexual assault case of Professor A at Seoul Women's University asks our society. How should the community resolve sexual crime cases?

Last July, Seoul Women's University received a report that Professor A had sexually harassed and molested a student. The Seoul Women's University Human Rights Center Deliberation Committee determined that Professor A's actions were sexual assault. In September of the same year, the school imposed a disciplinary action of a three-month salary cut on Professor A at the personnel committee.

The incident was belatedly made public in September and spread to student protests. The feminist club 'Rhinoceros' put up posters claiming that the disciplinary action against Professor A was insufficient, and in October, Professor A sued the three students who wrote the posters for 'defamation,' which led to a larger protest.

The professors also announced their position, saying, “As teachers, I feel infinitely sorry.” On the 19th of last month, the professors belonging to the 18th Faculty Council of Seoul Women’s University urged the school to reveal a plan to prevent recurrence and demanded that Professor A withdraw his lawsuit. However, the next day, Professor A submitted his resignation letter to the school instead of withdrawing his lawsuit against the students.

The students were shocked. If Professor A leaves the school community, this case will become a legal issue between the students who were sued and Professor A personally. In reality, after Professor A left the school, the case was divided into two axes: resolving sexual crimes within the university and legal action by the accused students. In the latter case, the school was not held responsible.

In a phone call with Women’s Newspaper, the Office of Academic Affairs of Seoul Women’s University explained the reason for accepting Professor A’s resignation, saying, “If the disciplinary committee is in session, we cannot dismiss him, but in this case, the disciplinary committee’s results from last year have all come out,” and “If there had been additional incidents, the school would have investigated, but since there is a principle of double jeopardy, we cannot hold a disciplinary committee again for the same incident.”

He also added, “When Professor A was still in office, we tried to withdraw the lawsuit or mediate, but now that he is no longer a faculty member, there is nothing the school can do.” The students’ position is that the school should not have allowed Professor A to be dismissed. In a phone call with the Women’s Newspaper on the 19th, Muso’s Horn emphasized, “A system must be put in place to make it impossible for the perpetrator to submit a resignation letter and leave the school without properly resolving the issue.”

(Shin Da-in, Women News, 24.12.23)

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Gwangju Women's University 'Padong' that led the protest against the engineering transfer, dreams of the only 'women's human rights club' on campus

While protests against the coeducational change at Dongduk Women's University continue, good news has come that the conflict within the school has been resolved at Gwangju Women's University. It is being evaluated that Gwangju Women's University has established itself as a good precedent to refer to in resolving disputes between the school and students.

The controversy over the engineering change at Gwangju Women's University began in May when the school revised its regulations to open the Department of Global Convergence, a course exclusively for foreigners, and the Department of Future Convergence, a course for adult learners. Both courses were open to males. The school conducted surveys, briefing sessions, and related committee reviews in relation to the revision of the regulations, and the student council also participated in the relevant procedures. However, many students protested, saying that they had not been informed of the relevant information.

Since then, Gwangju Women's University students have held protests against the engineering change twice, including wearing department jumpers, sticking Post-it notes, and holding condolence wreaths. On the 18th of last month, Padoong held a protest in front of the main building to protest the engineering conversion and Dongduk Women's University, and on the 25th of the same month, they also called for the withdrawal of the school regulations regarding male recruitment. After two protests, the protest team 'Padoong' and the student council met with the principal and received a promise that there would be no engineering conversion. The school also decided to strengthen the inspection of illegal cameras in the bathroom as part of safety measures. Although there were differences of opinion, the school and the students agreed to understand each other by considering realistic situations such as financial difficulties.

It was the efforts of the protest team Padoong that led to the school authorities' promise that there would be no engineering conversion. Padoong, consisting of three undergraduate students, was formed in the process of preparing for the protest against the engineering conversion. The feminist team 'Hwaro' and the women's civic group 'Biho' active in the Honam region also provided advice and solidarity to Padoong.

With the on-campus protests coming to an end, Padoong now dreams of launching the only 'women's human rights club' at Gwangju Women's University. In a recent interview with the Women's Newspaper, Pado revealed plans to transform Pado into a 'Women's Rights Club' and continue related activities by meeting the requirements for establishing a club on campus in 2025. Gwangju Women's Minwoohoe also decided to lend its support to the establishment of the Gwangju Women's University Women's Rights Club.

Choi Ju-young (active name), Vice President of Pado, said, "We want to recruit people interested in women's rights and start anew in 2025," and added, "Our beginnings are small and may end in one or two years, but the fact that there is a history of beginnings is very meaningful." (Omitted)

Some criticize that the media and cyber-reporters are encouraging conflict while not listening to the opinions of students as to why they are opposed to the engineering conversion. In addition, politicians are riding the wave of hate by talking about 'uncivilization' and 'violent incidents.' Recently, attorney Lee Kyung-ha, the president of the Dongduk Women's University student council and the legal representative of the feminist club Siren, filed a lawsuit against the media for defamation. The wave team also criticized this reality. Vice President Choi criticized, “There is a lack of consideration for the underprivileged in society as a whole,” and “Attempts to divide them into gender, metropolitan area, and non-metropolitan area continue.”

The conflict within Gwangju Women’s University has been resolved, but disputes at other women’s universities are ongoing. Recently, the Dongduk Women’s University Student Council lifted its 23-day sit-in protest against the school. Although the sit-in protest has ended, Dongduk Women’s University students continued their silent protest against the engineering conversion on the 11th. And the wave team expressed its intention to actively stand in solidarity with Dongduk Women’s University and other women’s universities in the future.

“Of course, we plan to stand in solidarity in the future. Furthermore, Dongduk Women’s University helped us reach an amicable agreement, so we cannot remain silent. There may be many disadvantages (because of the solidarity). However, we are confident that we will not be swayed by public opinion. We are not afraid.” (Choi Ju-young)

(Kim Se-won, Women News, 24.12.13)

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Women's Minwoo Association files for formal trial… “The Claw Hands rally accusation is clear harassment”

A women’s group that held a press conference criticizing the claim that the “claw hand” shape in the game’s promotional video was intended to belittle men as a “forced controversy and a verification of feminist thought” was fined 1 million won by the court. This is because it was an “unreported assembly” and not a press conference. They announced on the 18th that they would reject the court’s ruling, which is a summary order, and request a formal trial.

On this day, the Korean Women’s Association United (Minwoohoe) released a statement titled, “We will go beyond the pitiful backlash and launch an even more vigorous feminist movement - Regarding the indictment and fine for violating the Assembly and Demonstration Act regarding the Nexon “claw hand” denunciation press conference.” In the statement, they stated, “On the 12th, the Seongnam Branch of the Suwon District Court issued a summary order of 1 million won in fines against the standing representative of Minwoohoe,” and “Minwoohoe requested a formal trial on the grounds that ‘the facts of the indictment cannot be acknowledged.’”

On November 28th of last year, Minwoohoe held a press conference in front of the Nexon Korea building in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, titled, “Nexon, stop the forced controversy of ‘claw hands’ that succumbed to the collective delusion of some users.” At the time, it was a place to criticize the company for making the video private after it was claimed that the shape of a female character’s fingers that was shown for about 0.1 seconds in a promotional video for the game ‘Maple Story’ was intentionally inserted to degrade men. When Minwoohoe announced a press conference in front of Nexon’s headquarters at the time, threats such as death threats poured in from online communities and the group’s office phone.

However, after the press conference, Minwoohoe was reported to the police for violating the Assembly and Demonstration Act (Assembly and Demonstration Act). This was because they held a placard and shouted slogans without registering the assembly. In their statement, Minwoohoe stated, “The press conference on November 28th had to be held urgently after the incident on November 26th, and it was a clear press conference in which dozens of reporters from SBS, Yonhap News, and other media outlets actively cooperated with the police,” and “We will prove the detailed circumstances through the trial.” Minwoohoe also emphasized that the core of this incident was ‘harassment.’ Minwoohoe stated, “What we should pay attention to is the malicious accusations and threats by anti-feminists, and the court’s actions in accepting them,” and “Activists suffered from stress and fatigue due to the submission of evidence, police summons for questioning, and legal advice due to the accusation of violation of the Assembly and Demonstration Act.” They defined, “The actions of anti-feminists who accuse the legitimate activities of women’s groups of illegal acts and obstruct their work are a clear backlash against feminism,” and criticized, “The judiciary is playing along with the bullying of anti-feminists by supporting the false accusations and imposing fines.”

(Kim Hyo-shil, Hankyoreh, 24.12.18)

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“Women are a bit too much to drive” Fire station excludes female firefighters from work… Human Rights Commission: “Correct gender discrimination”

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea ruled that the act of a superior officer who made sexist remarks such as “Women should drive” within the fire station and excluded female firefighters from the wildfire suppression site constituted gender discrimination.

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea announced on the 23rd that it recommended the chief of the fire department, who was the person most responsible for the incident, to prepare measures to prevent recurrence of gender discrimination in work assignments and to conduct gender equality education for executives on the 11th.

According to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea’s decision, female firefighter A, who was in charge of driving a chemical vehicle, was preparing to go out after receiving instructions to support a wildfire in Hongseong, South Chungcheong Province, in April of last year when her direct supervisor, B, told her to “take off your stuff.” This was because, at B’s suggestion, male firefighter C, who was in charge of the water tanker, drove the chemical vehicle instead of A and went to the scene.

A filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission, believing that this exclusion from work stemmed from B’s sexist perception that women cannot do difficult work. When he asked Mr. B, “I’m in charge of the chemical truck, is the water truck coming?” he received responses such as “Do you know where Hongseong is?” and “Do you know how dangerous it is for women to drive long distances?” and complained that he had made discriminatory remarks in the past such as “I’ll tell you why women shouldn’t drive” and “Women shouldn’t drive.” (Omitted)

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea concluded, “Considering the witness statements, etc., it appears that Mr. B had a negative perception of women driving, and Mr. A was not given the opportunity to perform the work he wanted compared to male crew members,” and “It is difficult to see the assignment of a male crew member who was in charge of another vehicle, excluding Mr. A, who was waiting at the scene, as unrelated to the gender-discriminatory prejudice that ‘women would have difficulty responding to urgent and poor wildfire scenes. ’”

Furthermore, they pointed out that "not assigning women to certain tasks in the name of protection and consideration is another aspect of sexist perception that does not view men and women equally," and "when other agencies responded to the Hongseong wildfire, they completed support work under the command of female firefighters and returned, so it is difficult to find a rational reason why they would not be able to perform the corresponding task simply because they are women."

(Park Sang-hyuk, Pressian, 24.12.23)

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"Forced to work 7 days a week due to low income" "Rent in Gangnam alone is 540,000 won" The reality of foreign housekeepers

The document titled 'Survey Results on Satisfaction with Philippine Housekeepers' obtained by the Hankook Ilbo on the 22nd vividly describes the complaints of Philippine housekeepers. It is the result of a survey conducted by the Korea Federation of SMEs in early October. It is known that the Korea Federation of SMEs conducted the survey to collect public opinion on the ground after two out of 100 people left their accommodations without permission, saying they were "suffering from overwork" (according to the Philippine government).

According to the results of this survey, Philippine housekeepers live in a one-room apartment measuring about 1 pyeong in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and pay 539,000 won per month in rent. The workers confessed, "The accommodations are too small to even enter and exit," "The dormitory fee is too expensive," "The salary itself is satisfactory, but I have to pay for the dormitory fee, transportation, food, and other necessary expenses myself, so there is nothing left over from my salary," and "My low salary is difficult."

If you look at the actual September pay statement of a housekeeper, out of the monthly salary of about 1.83 million won, about 710,000 won, close to 40%, was deducted for various items. Of the deducted expenses, 539,000 won was for accommodation, 33,000 won for communication expenses, and the rest was for income tax and social insurance. With the actual take-home pay of about 1.12 million won, they have to pay for food, transportation to and from work, and various living expenses in downtown Seoul for a month. (Omitted)

Their working environment was also poor and different from expectations. They did not have time to eat lunch, so they had to eat a packed lunch in a hurry at a park or subway station on their way to work, and in some cases, their daily commute took more than 4 hours round trip. Many also said that they spent too much time and energy commuting to and from work because they had to visit multiple households. They also said that in some cases, the user households demanded excessive work that went beyond the scope of the job guidelines.

(Choi Na-shil, Hankook Ilbo, 24.12.23)

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Juicy Seyeon, YouTuber ‘PPKKa’ receives all personal information except account number

Streamer Juice Se-yeon (real name In Se-yeon) receives most of the identity information about the YouTube channel that spread malicious rumors from Google LLC.

On the 19th, the Northern District Court of California, USA, partially approved and partially dismissed the request for evidence discovery filed by Juice Se-yeon. The request is a follow-up measure to the approval of the request for evidence discovery on the 17th in relation to the defamation lawsuit currently underway at the Seoul Central District Court in South Korea.

Juice Se-yeon claimed that an anonymous user was defaming her on the YouTube channel ‘PPKKa’. The content implied that Juice Se-yeon had sex in exchange for money and gambled in Las Vegas. Juice Se-yeon also asserted that she suffered from social stigma, severe mental distress, and insomnia due to ‘PPKKa’s’ remarks, and that she lost opportunities to collaborate with various companies and YouTube channels.

On September 4, Juice Seyeon filed a defamation lawsuit against an anonymous user in a Korean court. However, since the anonymous user could not be identified, in order to proceed with the lawsuit in a Korean court, the user’s name, address, and date of birth, etc. had to be known. Accordingly, Juice Seyeon issued a subpoena to Google and requested the relevant information.

The information Juice Seyeon requested from Google through the court included the following: ▲name ▲date of birth ▲address ▲email address ▲telephone number ▲bank account number ▲the last five access logs for the ‘PPKKa’ channel user.

The court approved part of Juice Seyeon’s request, judging that it met the legal requirements. Since Juice Seyeon was requesting evidence to be used in a lawsuit currently underway in Korea, the court stated that discovery of evidence could be permitted under 28 U.S.C. § 1782.

(Hwang Dae-young, Seoul Wire, 24.12.22)

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The Bank of Korea's Shocking Confession: "Korea's Potential Growth Rate Will Remain at 1% for Five Years"

The Bank of Korea warned that the potential growth rate, which indicates the sustainability of the Korean economy, will fall to 1% starting next year. The Bank of Korea analyzed that without active structural reforms such as labor market reform, rising birth rates, and labor market participation by women and the elderly, the potential growth rate could fall to 0% within 20 years.

On the 19th, the Bank of Korea released a report titled “Potential Growth Rate and Future Outlook of Our Economy” containing these contents. It has been three years since the Bank of Korea released a potential growth rate figure since 2021. The potential growth rate refers to the growth rate that can be achieved without stimulating prices when productive resources such as capital and labor are efficiently utilized. (Omitted)

The Bank of Korea pointed out that structural reform of society as a whole is necessary to increase the potential growth rate. Bae Byung-ho, head of the Bank of Korea’s Economic Modeling Division, said, “We must improve the inefficiency of the labor market, induce efficient distribution of resources, and improve productivity by improving the corporate investment environment and fostering innovative companies.”

In addition, it was seen that innovation is necessary to increase women’s economic participation through work-family balance and to ensure an appropriate labor supply in the local labor market by easing concentration in the metropolitan area. The Bank of Korea predicted that if productivity can be restored to the level before the COVID-19 pandemic through such labor market and industrial innovation, the potential growth rate will increase by 0.7 percentage points in the 2040s. It also predicted that increasing the birth rate and improving labor productivity for women and the elderly will increase the potential growth rate by 0.1-0.2 percentage points and 0.1 percentage points, respectively.

(Ryu Young-wook·Moon Ji-woong, Maeil Economic Daily, 24.12.19)

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