
How to quickly create social media content with the AI assistant

Put AI to work for your content creation!

2024.04.22 | 조회 121


AI Assistant Designed for Professional Work

Since ChatGPT first opened at OpenAI in 2022, many other AI services have emerged, including Midjourney, Claude, CoPilot (Bing Chat), and Gemini, but ChatGPT is still the most used and favored by many people. Despite the various issues with ChatGPT, it is still synonymous with generative AI services.

The reason why ChatGPT has been able to maintain its dominance even as many competing services continue to emerge is because of its powerful language processing capabilities. It can understand human language by learning from a large amount of data and provide answers that match the user's intent through continuous conversation with a human.

It also has a simple interface and is easy to use in the form of a chatbot. Even though the interface is simple, you can ask tons of questions to continue creating, coding, researching, and more. The more sophisticated the questions, the more you ask, the better the results, because the AI is self-learning.

📍 Various Use Cases of ChatGPT

From creating to coding, analyzing research to utilizing enterprise services.

You can use ChatGPT to create social media content, write business plans, apply business Excel functions, summarize and excerpt articles, write copy, and much more. Regardless of the field of work, those who utilize AI well have one thing in common: it definitely helps them with 'quick drafting' and 'ideageneration'.

In the early days of the service, developers who were familiar with AI technology used ChatGPT a lot, but as the technology became more and more common, companies began to actively introduce ChatGPT into their services. For example, early last year, travel platform MyRealTrip launched AI Planner with GPT 3.5, and around the same time, hospital search platform Good Doc introduced a health AI chatbot using ChatGPT.

The number of individual users is also increasing. For example, office workers who are not confident in English-related tasks are using ChatGPT to write business plans and emails in English, reducing their work time. Marketers who need to plan various copywriting phrases and content are also utilizing AI technology to improve their work efficiency.

📍 4 Ways to Use ChatGPT Effectively

Using ChatGPT well is similar to using any other AI service well. First, you need to know exactly what the questioner wants to ask, and then you need to write the question in a way that the AI can understand it based on the six principles. These principles are summarized below.

Be clear in your instructions

Be clear and specific about your requirements and objectives so that ChatGPT can generate appropriate responses. Specifying the expected output format, length, style, etc. will help you get better results. Also, providing some background on the topic in advance will help ChatGPT generate more accurate and relevant answers. It's helpful to include references or additional information if needed.

Use specific examples

To write effective prompts, it's a good idea to utilize specific examples. By providing an example of the type of output you want, ChatGPT can mimic it and produce similar results. For example, if you want to draft a novel, provide example sentences in the desired genre and style. You can also avoid undesirable outputs by providing counterexamples or negative examples. This helps us better understand your intentions and generate appropriate results.

Improve through iteration and feedback

If you're not satisfied with the results of your first prompt, you can provide specific feedback to request modifications. ChatGPT gets better and better with repeated interactions. In the process, ChatGPT learns your preferences and needs, and the quality of your answers will be much higher with this continuous feedback and improvement process.

Set customizable instructions

In the bottom left corner, you'll find the Settings tab. Click here and click 'Customize ChatGPT' in the window that pops up and you will be presented with two questions

1. What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

2. How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

The first question is to fill in your personal information so that ChatGPT can customize the answers to your preferences or profession. Here you can enter your country, profession, and what you do. If you want ChatGPT to specialize in a certain field, you can fill in the relevant part of your profession and work here.

The second question is where you enter your presets for how you want ChatGPT to answer, and there are presets all over the internet, so you can look at them and customize them to fit your style.

📍 Try our AI assistant, which is ready to go without prompting!

In fact, the process of thinking about prompts every time and asking repeated questions to get a good answer can lead to inefficiencies and increased variation in prompts. That's why we've created workflow-based assistants that use AI to reduce repetitive tasks, with standardized prompts built in so you can start using AI in your work right away. Wdot, Idot, and Sdot support repetitive document, image, and content tasks, so you can get your work done faster!

Writing AI Assistant, Wdot

Image AI Assistant, Idot

SNS AI Assistant, Sdot

WondersLab develops and provides AI assistants for professionals to utilize for a variety of tasks. Subscribe to and manage your assistants on the Wonders Lab AI Assistant integration site, and flexibly utilize the assistants you need for your work!

WondersLab AI Assistant



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AI Assistant Designed for Professional Work

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